Food Safety

Food Preservation

National Center for Home Food Preservation
Source for current research-based recommendations for most methods of home food preservation. The Center was established to address food safety concerns for those who practice and teach home food preservation and processing methods.

Pressure Canner Testing

Need your pressure canner tested for the upcoming food preservation season?

Pressure Canner testing is available Monday through Friday during office hours. Please call ahead to schedule a time. There is no charge to have your canner tested.

If you have any questions, please contact our office at 715-726-7950.

Additional Links

Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC)
Located at the National Agricultural Library (NAL), its mission, to collect and disseminate information about food and human nutrition.
A gateway website that provides links to selected government food safety-related information.
The MyPlate Plan shows your food group targets – what and how much to eat within your calorie allowance.  Evidence based recipes and resources.

Fight BAC!
Partnership of government, industry and consumer groups established to educate consumers about food safety and safe food handling techniques; includes information for consumers, educators, and the media.

Food Safety Initiative Activity
Brought to you by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. Many people do not think about food safety until a food-related illness affects them or a family member. While the food supply in the United States is one of the safest in the world, CDC estimates that 76 million people get sick, more than 300,000 are hospitalized, and 5,000 Americans die each year from food borne illness.

Iowa State University – Spend Smart, Eat Smart
How to plan, shop and create tasty healthy recipes to cook at home.

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