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Strong Bodies

UW-Madison Extension is offering virtual StrongBodies/Women classes
WHAT: Free Online StrongBodies Classes
UW-Madison Extension Health and Wellbeing and FoodWise program is offering an evidence-based strength training program. No experience is necessary. Strength training has been shown to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, and arthritis. Strength training also increases strength, muscle mass, and bone density. We will also have time to learn and socialize (virtually).
WHEN: OCT 1 – DEC 19
TIME: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00 – 10:15 AM
● StrongBodies Statewide Virtual Registration: 2024 Fall StrongBodies Registration- Statewide Virtual (google.com)
● After registration, you will receive a confirmation and link to the upcoming classes
● Home Safety Checklist for StrongBodies participants
● StrongBodies Exercises
FOR REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Contact Jen Whitty – jennifer.whitty@wisc.edu
QUESTIONS? Sandy Tarter sandy.tarter@wisc.edu 715-231-6695