Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe

This month’s ‘Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe’ newsletter features the answer to “Can I use my ceramic cooktop stove when canning?” The July-August “Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe” is courtesy of the North Central Food Safety Extension Network. Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe: A Newsletter for Those who Preserve Food at Home […]

Tar Spot in Corn

Jerry ClarkCrops & Soils Educator for Chippewa, Dunn, & Eau Claire CountiesUW-Madison Extension In the past few years, Tarspot in corn has risen to the top of the list for disease management in corn. Chippewa, Dunn, and Eau Claire counties have all recently experienced the disease at some level. Now is the time to get […]

Rain Gardens

Margaret MurphyHorticulture Educator for Chippewa, Dunn, & Eau Claire CountiesUW-Madison Extension A rain garden is a shallow depression that can be filled with a variety of flowers, sedges, and shrubs, and is designed to capture runoff from rain that lands on roofs, driveways or roads. Basically, it’s not much different from a perennial garden except […]

Estimating the value of Manure

Jerry ClarkCrops & Soils Educator for Chippewa, Dunn, & Eau Claire CountiesUW-Madison Extension Manure is the oldest, natural fertilizer source known to agriculture. Manure has value since it contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, micronutrients, organic matter, and microorganisms. Putting a dollar value on manure can be challenging when selling or purchasing. With synthetic and commercial fertilizer, […]

Pressure Canner Testing

Need your pressure canner tested for the upcoming food preservation season? Pressure Canner testing is available Monday through Thursday during office hours. Please call ahead to schedule a time. There is no charge to have your canner tested. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 715-726-7950.

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