Fall Strong Bodies!

Join us for the StrongBodies Program! StrongBodies has been shown to increase strength, muscle mass, and bone density. Classes are held twice weekly and include progressive resistance training, balance training, and flexibility exercises. Please see the flyer for all the information.

Garden Update – Japanese Beetles

Much to my chagrin, I have been noticing quite a few Japanese beetles in my gardens. Japanese beetles feed on the leaves and flowers of more than 300 types of plants. In my garden, they are currently favoring my basil and zinnias. Leaves fed on by the Japanese beetle are often left with a lace-like […]

Tomato Garden Talk!

Join Margaret at the Chippewa Falls Community Garden on August 16th at 2 pm! To learn more about tomatoes 🍅🍅🍅 This event is free and open to the public 😄

Use Vinegar with 5% acid in home canning

It’s pickling season and the news is ‘a buzz’ with the increasing prevalence of vinegar in stores that has 4% acidity, not 5%. Only 5% acid vinegar is recommended for home canning. Please view the flyer below for additional information!

Take the Chippewa Valley Community Health Survey!

Every three years, our community works together to identify the top health concerns in our area. The first step in that process is taking the Community Health Survey. The survey is open to all who live or work in Chippewa, Dunn and Eau Claire County. This survey is a critical part of planning for future […]

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