Join the Learn & Earn Program!

If you needed $50 for an emergency, what would you do?  Would $50 help?   Complete the Learn & Earn Program and earn a $50 savings account voucher from Royal Credit Union.  The three parts to this program are:  Start NOW Click below to register!  *This program is a partnership between Workforce Resources INC, Royal […]

Pressure Canner Testing

Need your pressure canner tested for the upcoming food preservation season? Pressure Canner testing is available Monday through Thursday during office hours. Please call ahead to schedule a time. There is no charge to have your canner tested. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 715-726-7950.

Rain Gardens

Margaret MurphyHorticulture Educator for Chippewa, Dunn, & Eau Claire CountiesUW-Madison Extension A rain garden is a shallow depression that can be filled with a variety of flowers, sedges, and shrubs, and is designed to capture runoff from rain that lands on roofs, driveways or roads. Basically, it’s not much different from a perennial garden except […]

Estimating the value of Manure

Jerry ClarkCrops & Soils Educator for Chippewa, Dunn, & Eau Claire CountiesUW-Madison Extension Manure is the oldest, natural fertilizer source known to agriculture. Manure has value since it contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, micronutrients, organic matter, and microorganisms. Putting a dollar value on manure can be challenging when selling or purchasing. With synthetic and commercial fertilizer, […]

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